THE Deep Blue Institute Builds Marine-based Resilient Communities

with Regenerative Marine Infrastructure THAT SUPPORTS:


Environmental protection & restoration

Aquatic habitat design and restoration

Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) harvesting and remediation

Sustainable fisheries management

Protective bio reef construction

Carbon sequestration at scale

Community Engagement

Public-Private Partnership (PPP) design and management

Preservation and valorization of cultural centers of excellence (e.g. food, music, history)

Experimental governance models (e.g. Universal Basic Infrastructure)

Regenerative community blueprint

Research and learning

Blue Tech R&D and prototype deployment

University global research partnerships

Vocational training

SMB mentorship and support

Environmental monitoring and reporting

Industry & economic diversification

Blue Tech prototyping and scaling (global market leadership)

Seafood industry advocacy

Biofuel production



CONVENE: Deep Blue is planning a major conference event to launch Estuary Opportunity Zone activities

DESIGN: Form an engineering team to source and adapt regenerative infrastructure to local regional needs

MONITOR: Establish relationships with local universities to act as a global research lead and hub for baseline studies and ongoing project monitoring in the fields of human health and safety, environmental quality, seafood harvesting, economic diversification, and regional cultural preservation

FINANCE: Engage rotating financial instruments for the engineering and construction of infrastructure, community and cultural preservation programs, and seafood industry support

ATTRACT: Launch global talent attraction, procurement, and training programs for design, construction, maintenance, and operation of floating infrastructure

CELEBRATE: Support and expand regional food and cultural festivals through finance and networking initiatives

MARKET: Publicize existing and emerging centers of engineering and cultural excellence through storytelling and events (e.g. documentaries, drama series, interactive media)